2D morphology

Morphing 2D shapes is conceptually simple. We can imagine it as a function that takes two SVG images and produces the intermediate steps that smoothly transforms the source image to the target image. If the SVG images are simple shapes then it looks like this:

Often it is quite easy for a human to tell if a morph looks right or not. This, unfortunately, does not mean the problem is easy to solve for a computer. As it turns out, there is not a single, perfect algorithm for morphing between 2D shapes. Instead, there are many different algorithms that each have their own benefits and trade-offs. This article will specify the details of the morphology-problem and show a handful of different solutions.

Breaking it down

Conceptually, a morphing function should take two SVG images and give a new SVG image over time. In Haskell, it would look like this:

morph :: SVG → SVG → (Time → SVG)

However, morphing has several sub-problems, each of which that can be solved indepently in a variety of ways. These solutions have different benefits and drawbacks, and wildly different performance. Since no single morphing algorithm is obviously superior in all cases, let's identify the othogonal sub-problems and use their solutions as parameters to our morphing function.

1. Point correspondence

type PointCorrespondence = Polygon → Polygon → (Polygon, Polygon)

SVG images can be simplified to polygons which are made out of points. To morph between two shapes, we somehow have to transform the points in a source polygon into the points in a target polygon. Finding a good point correspondence between two polygons is a tricky thing, though, and it can have a huge impact on the quality of the morph as seen in this illustration:

Point correspondence algorithms take two polygons (which may have a different number of points) and align their points so there's an exact one-to-one correspondence. This may require shuffling, adding, splitting, or merging points.

2. Point trajectory

type Trajectory = (Polygon, Polygon) → (Double → Polygon)

Once the points in the source and target polygons have been aligned, the next step is to figure out which path they should take. The simplest approach would be to move the points in a straight line but this doesn't always look right. The points in the leftmost figure of the following illustration moves in a straight line while the points in the rightmost figure take a curved path designed to avoid self-intersections:

The design space for trajectory algorithms is quite large and this article will cover five different approaches in addition to the simplest straight-line path.

3. Object correspondence

type ObjectCorrespondence = [Polygon] → [Polygon] → [(Polygon, Polygon)]

4. Color interpolation

Morphing between colors is something many libraries don't pay a lot of attention but there is a fair amount of complexity here and it does deserve consideration. In short, humans (usually) have three types light sensitive cells that respond to different ranges of light wavelengths. So, even though the light we see may contain hundreds of different wavelengths, the eye only notices how much each of the three types of cells are stimulated and will therefore always reduce colors to just three numbers.

So far, so good. With three coordinates necessary to specify a color, each color has a position in a three dimensional space and we can morph between two colors by going in a straight line. This is where things get tricky, though, because going in a straight line in the XYZ space (the 3D colorspace defined by the sensitivity of a typical human's eye) is physically correct but often a bit counter intuitive. For example, morphing between blue and yellow will go through grey. Also, the XYZ doesn't take into account how humans perceive colors (ie. what happens in the brain rather than the eye) and morphing between two colors with the same perceived brightness will not keep the brightness a constant. These concerns, and many more, have lead to the development of different 3D colorspaces, such as CIE LAB, which take human color perception into account. Reanimate has built-in support for several spaces and this illustration shows how they stack up against each other:

By default, reanimate uses the LAB colorspace for morphing colors.

Linear interpolation


Rotational interpolation

rotationalTrajectory :: Origin -> Trajectory

Edge+angle interpolation

lineBend :: Trajectory


Least-work correspondence

work_{stretch} = k_s\frac{\delta^2}{2L_0}
work_{bend} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} k_b(\Delta \theta + m_b \Delta \theta^\star)^{e_b} & \text{if $\theta(t)$ never goes to zero} \\ k_b(\Delta \theta + m_b \Delta \theta^\star)^{e_b} + p_b & \text{if $\theta(t)$ does go to zero} \end{array} \right.






Guaranteed intersection-free


Related work

  • Flubber
  • Polymorph
  • raphael
  • Kute
  • svg_morph
  • D3