OTF and TTF fonts

Fonts files are often found in zip archives or tarballs and Reanimate can download them for you. Let's look at Magnolia Script as an example. It's a free OTF font, available for download in a zip-file: https://dl.dafont.com/dl/?f=magnolia_script

We'll use the zipArchive function for downloading and unpacking the file. For safety reasons, we have to specify the SHA256 hash of the file we're downloading. This prevents unexpected changes. We can use an incorrect hash value to find the real checksum:

magnoliaFont :: FilePath
magnoliaFont = zipArchive

When we use an incorrect hash value, we'll get an error message like this:

Exception: URL https://dl.dafont.com/dl/?f=magnolia_script
  Expected SHA256: missing
  Actual SHA256:   XeXawkqqnSPgxK7G72RdL39ddKPrrLPCwJB7dojuulc=

Copy-pasting the actual SHA256 value gives us the proper code for downloading the Magnolia Script font:

magnoliaFont :: FilePath
magnoliaFont = zipArchive

Next we'll use the font folder in a TeX configuration:

magnolia = TexConfig {
  texConfigEngine = XeLaTeX,
  texConfigHeaders =
    [ "\\usepackage[no-math]{fontspec}",
        \Path={" <> T.pack magnoliaFont <> "/},\
      \{Magnolia Script}"
  texConfigPostScript = [] }

The magnolia configuration is ready for formatting text:

magnoliaFont :: FilePath
magnoliaFont = zipArchive

magnolia = TexConfig {
  texConfigEngine = XeLaTeX,
  texConfigHeaders =
    [ "\\usepackage[no-math]{fontspec}",
      \Path={" <>
      T.pack magnoliaFont <>
      \{Magnolia Script}"
  texConfigPostScript = [] }

animation :: Animation
animation = scene $
  showCfg "Magnolia" magnolia

showCfg :: T.Text -> TexConfig -> Scene s ()
showCfg name cfg = do
  let title = scale 2 $ center $
        latexCfg cfg name
      line1 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "Pack My Box"
      line2 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "With Five Dozen"
      line3 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "Liquour Jugs"

  header <- oNew title
  oModify header $
    oTopY .~ screenTop
  oShow header

  l1 <- oNew line1
  l1 `oBelow` header
  oShow l1

  l2 <- oNew line2
  l2 `oBelow` l1
  oShow l2

  l3 <- oNew line3
  l3 `oBelow` l2
  oShow l3
  wait 1

oBelow a b = do
  aBot <- oRead b oBottomY
  oModifyS a $ do
    oMarginTop .= 0
    oTopY .= aBot