Font Catalogue

The \LaTeX font catalogue is a listing of a wide variety of fonts with examples. Let's explore how to use those fonts in Reanimate.


Go to and look under the Usage section. There you can find \LaTeX preamble code and style selector code. The preamble looks like this:


And the style selector looks like this: \ffmfamily

Armed with this information, we can create a TeX configuration in Reanimate:

fetamont = TexConfig LaTeX

animation :: Animation
animation = scene $
  showCfg "Fetamont" fetamont

showCfg :: T.Text -> TexConfig -> Scene s ()
showCfg name cfg = do
  let title = scale 2 $ center $
        latexCfg cfg name
      line1 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "Pack My Box"
      line2 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "With Five Dozen"
      line3 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "Liquour Jugs"

  header <- oNew title
  oModify header $
    oTopY .~ screenTop
  oShow header

  l1 <- oNew line1
  l1 `oBelow` header
  oShow l1

  l2 <- oNew line2
  l2 `oBelow` l1
  oShow l2

  l3 <- oNew line3
  l3 `oBelow` l2
  oShow l3
  wait 1

oBelow a b = do
  aBot <- oRead b oBottomY
  oModifyS a $ do
    oMarginTop .= 0
    oTopY .= aBot


Configuration code for Inconsolata can be found here:

inconsolata = TexConfig LaTeX

animation :: Animation
animation = scene $
  showCfg "Inconsolata" inconsolata

showCfg :: T.Text -> TexConfig -> Scene s ()
showCfg name cfg = do
  let title = scale 2 $ center $
        latexCfg cfg name
      line1 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "Pack My Box"
      line2 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "With Five Dozen"
      line3 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "Liquour Jugs"

  header <- oNew title
  oModify header $
    oTopY .~ screenTop
  oShow header

  l1 <- oNew line1
  l1 `oBelow` header
  oShow l1

  l2 <- oNew line2
  l2 `oBelow` l1
  oShow l2

  l3 <- oNew line3
  l3 `oBelow` l2
  oShow l3
  wait 1

oBelow a b = do
  aBot <- oRead b oBottomY
  oModifyS a $ do
    oMarginTop .= 0
    oTopY .= aBot

Computer Modern

Computer modern is the default font. It's presented here as a reference and as a point of comparison.

-- Default font so no need to do anything.
computerModern = TexConfig LaTeX

animation :: Animation
animation = scene $
  showCfg "Computer Modern" computerModern

showCfg :: T.Text -> TexConfig -> Scene s ()
showCfg name cfg = do
  let title = scale 2 $ center $
        latexCfg cfg name
      line1 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "Pack My Box"
      line2 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "With Five Dozen"
      line3 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "Liquour Jugs"

  header <- oNew title
  oModify header $
    oTopY .~ screenTop
  oShow header

  l1 <- oNew line1
  l1 `oBelow` header
  oShow l1

  l2 <- oNew line2
  l2 `oBelow` l1
  oShow l2

  l3 <- oNew line3
  l3 `oBelow` l2
  oShow l3
  wait 1

oBelow a b = do
  aBot <- oRead b oBottomY
  oModifyS a $ do
    oMarginTop .= 0
    oTopY .= aBot

Missing fonts

Fonts only work if they are installed in your TeX setup. If a font is missing, you'll get a cryptic error message like this:

clayTablet = TexConfig LaTeX

animation :: Animation
animation = scene $
  showCfg "Claytablet" clayTablet

showCfg :: T.Text -> TexConfig -> Scene s ()
showCfg name cfg = do
  let title = scale 2 $ center $
        latexCfg cfg name
      line1 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "Pack My Box"
      line2 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "With Five Dozen"
      line3 = center $ latexCfg cfg
        "Liquour Jugs"

  header <- oNew title
  oModify header $
    oTopY .~ screenTop
  oShow header

  l1 <- oNew line1
  l1 `oBelow` header
  oShow l1

  l2 <- oNew line2
  l2 `oBelow` l1
  oShow l2

  l3 <- oNew line3
  l3 `oBelow` l2
  oShow l3
  wait 1

oBelow a b = do
  aBot <- oRead b oBottomY
  oModifyS a $ do
    oMarginTop .= 0
    oTopY .= aBot